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Help with Metacam dosage -sorry me again


Young Bun
Right it says on the bottle 1.5mg and 10ml. I have been told to give Ludo 15 drops daily on her food. Im splitting the dosage but what is an average dose when syrining? The drops are varying in size and I don't want to give my precious girl an overdose. This "drops" dosage is hardly an exact science, just need to know if there is allowance for the varying drop sizes
Ive just started Twinkle on Meloxidyl which I believe is similar to metacam but dont take my word for it.

She weighs 2.25kgs and I have been told to give her 1ml once a day. It looks like a tiny amount in the syringe.

Our medication is 1.5mg in a 10ml bottle.

If you have one of those really thin syringes in the box why dont you take the end off the syringe and drop 15 drops into the syringe and see how much it measures.

Good luck
Its not very thin but I suppose that would work. I guess what I need to know really is what is classed as a drop. Are we talking tiny or something a bit more substantial.
Either way Ludo is loving it!
rabbits seem to love the tast of metacam d heard it was honey flavoured :?, best to check with you vet again regarding dose amount, ive always given from syringe and not onto food
The metacam dosage is 0.6mg per kilo twice daily maybe ask your vet if they can equate it into a dose you can give by syringe?
The bottle is also designed to give a standard size drop if light pressure is applied so theoretically each drop should be the same size
I use a 1 ml thin syringe and take the top bit of the Metacam bottle.Instead of a drop dose we do 0.6mls per kilo twice a day (for a maximum dose).This dosage is the recognised amount a bun can take.
Ive always found this the easiest way as weve been using this med for many months but I know everyone has their prefered way-this just works for us.;)