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Help please! grow your own lettuce advice


Young Bun
Hi all,

After my success with supermarket brought basil mint and parsley I thought I would try growing my own veg. Being late in the year I have cheated and brought tiny plants from B&Q. I got some gaillarde lettuce, apparently a red type. Ive tried googling it but can't find an information on it. Has anyone ever heard of it and more importantly, knows if it is safe for bunnies?

Ive been having quite a bit of fun growing my owns herbs so if anyone has any tips about having a little bunny veggie garden they would be much appreciated!
I'd feed it, it's really only iceberg that's a problem and it's definitely not that, that looks like the lollo rosso to me which I've fed before.

Tip for you containers, to save soil put chunks of polystrene in the bottom, that way you can fill them a bit higher without using extra soil :)
Wonderful, thank you very much! Hopefully will work out a good buy, think it was 8 plants for £2 and they really seem to be flourishing. thanks for the tip about soil saving too!!