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Help!! 50 rabbits and 100 guinea pigs need to be in rescue by the weekend!!

Fantastic :)

Will e-mail Helen and let her know I can take one or two of the Lymington buns. I have already offered a home for two guineas as I do have a spare hutch - but it is too small really for buns.

I may be buying another hutch/run if I can find a way of getting it from New Forest to me (am asking various friends at the moment).

I would prefer to keep the Lymington buns indoors, especially to start with, until I know whether they are healthy or not so a dog crate would be ideal. I can keep them completely separate from my existing ones then in a spare room. I'd never forgive myself if I took on new buns and made any of mine poorly.

Once I know I am definitely rehoming a bun (or two) I will PM you and sort out arrangements to pick up the crate. I'll have to borrow a car as mine is too small to get anything much in, but am insured to drive a friend's car so that isn't a problem.

Thank you so much for offering. I really wanted to help and now I can :)

That's Ok I am glad to be of help. The crate does fold up but it is still very big we had to put the seats down in my car. I am hoping to be able to help with the rescue by doing some bunny/GP runs. Once we find out more we can make the arrangements for you to pick up the crate then :wave:

The level of support and organisation you are all putting is nothing short of awesome. To give help to so many animals at the drop of a hat takes so much planning and time and generosity. Lots of vibes to all of you at the sharp end of sorting out this mess and doing so much for so many critters.
I have a hutch that would be ok for a couple of piggies if anyone would like to borrow it but sadly I am unable to look after any more animals myself as I'm away with work a lot over the next few weeks :(

I'm on the Northants/Leics border - LE17.
Ive emailed Helen - I may be able to get sponsered by a local rescue & they can supply me with a 2 tier double hutch.
So 1 or 2 small buns could be fostered by me ..
All guinea pigs are now out and safe.

I will start contacting interested Rescues this Tuesday.

Many thanks for everyones support.

Wheek & Squeak Guinea Pig Rescue
Just an update on the guinea pigs

I took out 102 guinea pigs yesterday. This afternoon 7 babies were born here.

I also took 7 rabbits out this morning they are all settled in their hutches for the night. 4 already have lovely permanent homes waiting for them when they are ready.

Wheek & Squeak Guinea Pig Rescue
Just an update on the guinea pigs

I took out 102 guinea pigs yesterday. This afternoon 7 babies were born here.

I also took 7 rabbits out this morning they are all settled in their hutches for the night. 4 already have lovely permanent homes waiting for them when they are ready.

Wheek & Squeak Guinea Pig Rescue

Wow babies already :shock: thats great that four buns have homes already Anna, well done :D
Just an update on the guinea pigs

I took out 102 guinea pigs yesterday.


This afternoon 7 babies were born here.

Oh crikey, lots more to come I fear :roll:

I also took 7 rabbits out this morning they are all settled in their hutches for the night. 4 already have lovely permanent homes waiting for them when they are ready.

Wheek & Squeak Guinea Pig Rescue

YAY, great news! :D
Just an update on the guinea pigs

I took out 102 guinea pigs yesterday. This afternoon 7 babies were born here.

I also took 7 rabbits out this morning they are all settled in their hutches for the night. 4 already have lovely permanent homes waiting for them when they are ready.

Wheek & Squeak Guinea Pig Rescue

Great they are now safe! fantastic news!

7 babies already?:cry: oh dear....:cry:

4 buns already have permanent homes - wonderful news!

well done!:love:
well done everyone! this is a massive rescue.

I am in Weymouth this coming weekend the 3rd til 5th Sept and am more than willing to pick up some furries and take them back to homes in Devon if anyone down this way has an empty pad?

Also if you are struggling for temp homes and the RSPCA in Exeter, Animals In Distress or Woodside in Plymouth have spaces I am more than willing to deliver.