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Hello Everyone :)


New Kit

October last year my boyfriend and I decided to become parents to a lovely netherland dwarf! Originally we wanted a puppy but as we work 9-5 that wouldn't be fair. So here we are.

Colin (The bunny, hehe) is truly spoilt and rules the roost. Which ofc meant that i would cave and get him a lovely lady friend (after putting him through the neutering ordeal). We got her from pets at home and she was in with the 'normal' regular sized buns. However, i think our 'little lady' may not stay so little. She already weights 3lbs! Same as Colin and he is 8 months old!!

What do you guys think. Any ideas of breed? I think she could be a giant!

She's gorgeous! :love: She has quite big ears so could have some 'giant' in her, I'm no expert though!
Does Colin like her? ;)
Her feet are pretty epic too, we've decided to call her Tallulah!


Yeah he does (I think). He was only neutered recently and we are just taking baby steps introducing them. We have set up enclosures next to each other so they are constantly in sight and smelling distance of each other. He nips the fur on her and licks etc through the gaps. On occasions i have seen them laying back to back with the divide between them! So fingers crossed they will bond well when the divide starts coming out!

This is a pic of Colin, he's such a lump bless him!

Love them both to bits.

Just want to prepare myself just in case Lula is going to be a bit of a giant. Not really sure what changes ill have to make compared to looking after Colin! Hopefully it won't affect their bond x
Is your new girl spayed yet? It may be best to leave the bonding until after she has been spayed and had a few weeks for her hormones to die down.

They both look lovely.
I've had a British giant in the past (who I also got from Pets at Home). What age is your girl now? You can really tell giants are giants from a young age, Benji was six months old when we got him and he was easily bigger than a normal sized rabbit at that age.

Her ears do look pretty big, my Benji had beautiful big ears. :love:

Here he is at just over six months old:


and just some more so you can see the size:



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Gorgeous Buns!

Size often doesn't matter with bunny bonds, we've known quite a few small gentlebucks on here who prefer a larger doe!!

I think Tallulah is a little bit giant, judging on her feet size...

Eek looks like I've got me a giant haha! She's about 10 weeks according to the vet!

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