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Hay-how much?


Warren Scout
at the moment the furry beasts get a huge bowl crammed with herbage, a handful of pellets and a hay rack of hay once a day.
if i was to cut out the herbage completly and just feed them hay how much should it be? the bowl of herbage at th moment lasts them all day, but is thre a nutritionaly quantity they should have?
Ours get two large hanging baskets crammed full each day and eat it all. This is per rabbit.

Two rabbit sized bundles per day I believe is the said guideline.. but I always give them plenty so they will never run out before top up time :D

Unlimited hay I "think" is when they get a constant supply... can't do this myself as I work to keep them in the stuff so I'm not around to check on hay status all day every day. Short of chucking a bale in for them to wee allover :roll::lol:
As much hay as you can get them to eat.

I fill mine buns litter trays up at least twice a day. The guide is that they should eat about the same volume as their size, but more is better.
Basically...Stuff as much hay into them as you can! Though not as forcefully (sp?) as that sounded :oops::lol:

Hay is the most important thing in their diet, so as much as they can eat and several differant hays is good too :)
thanks. if they had a choice they would eat a bale a day!
i just wanted to make sure they were getting enough :D
Basically hay is the fibre that pushes everything through their gut. They don't need a lot of nutrients but they do need to graze to push everything through and keep it all moving.