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Have had to let Cutie-pie go.

Only just caught up with this thread as don't get on RU as much at the moment because of work.

So, so sorry, Amanda. Will you have Cutie-Pie's ashes back? I know when one of my buns died in similar circumstances I went to the vet to say goodbye to her. It probably made no sense to anyone but me as she wasn't actually there - just her body - as the vet said it was kinder not to bring her around from the GA. It is such a shock for us when they go like that - but a peaceful way for them.

I hope Bandit will be OK as a single bun. I know those two weren't really people buns like Mr B.

Cutie-Pie knew she was loved and she had her companion with her right up until the end. It's good she didn't go to the vet alone and that she went to the Bridge before she started to feel unwell.

Binky free Cutie-Pie xxxxxx
Thank, at least I am glad I made the decision for Bandit to go with her to the vets. Difficult to know when they are both so stressed in the carrier, but at least it would have given her some comfort. I still can't believe it.:cry:

I will have her ashes back but asked the vet to give me day or 2 to make the proper arrangements.:cry:

Bandits not good. I keep going out to look at him but he sits in the same position. He doesn't want any comfort from me. He is eating but definitely not happy.:cry:
I am so very very sorry... How awful for all of you. She was such a lovely girl and so loved.

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I'm so sorry to see this sad update. Thinking of you both, and also Bandit, at this difficult time. xxx
I am so sorry to read this sad update :cry: Thinking of you and I hope Bandit will be OK.

Sweet dreams Cutie-pie xx
I am so sorry Amanda, you did your best and that is more than so many rabbits get. Cutie-Pie had a great life with you all which I hope is some comfort. Binky free Cutie-Pie xx