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Has Excel changed recipe or just name??


Wise Old Thumper
Went to buy a bag and they're now called "nuggets with mint" - it says the recipe hasnt changed, but I don't trust it? :?

Does anyone know for certain eg by comparing an old and new bag? I'm a bit wary of giving normal amounts to the buns until I know it's the same.
Hi, I bought a bag a couple of weeks ago and my bunny has been fine with them, dont think they have changed at all to be honest ;)
I bought a bag a few weeks ago which has a huge yellow sticker on it saying 'New pack coming soon'. It'll take me a year to finish this bag though so I can't say what the change will be! ;)
My latest bags are all with mint and no complaints from the eight rabbits who live with me! Swapping to Harringtons soon though as they are half the price and come with free delivery from amazon. Yey.
The old burgess also contained mint, just was more subtle on the packaging :wave: Recipe hasn't changed.
Nope, only the packaging has changed. Mine are on Excel and it's always come with mint unless you go for the oregano one which was a bit more obvious.
Hi, I was just about to post about the new packaged excel nuggets. Has anyone noticed that whilst they might not have changed the recipe the size of the pellets has changed considerably? I have bought two bags now and they are more 'pips' than pellets. My two boys both looked in their bowl then looked up at me and then looked back in their bowl before eating them as if to say "just what exactly do you think you're serving us?" :shock: :?
Hi, I was just about to post about the new packaged excel nuggets. Has anyone noticed that whilst they might not have changed the recipe the size of the pellets has changed considerably? I have bought two bags now and they are more 'pips' than pellets. My two boys both looked in their bowl then looked up at me and then looked back in their bowl before eating them as if to say "just what exactly do you think you're serving us?" :shock: :?

Glad I'm not the only one! I've just opened a new bag and they are WAY smaller, hope the buns don't notice...have to say I'm expecting a similar reaction to your two though!!!
Yes and weirdly, the first bag I bought with the new packaging were the normal size pellets. The second one was tiny, I got a bag of the oregano ones today to see if they were bigger but they're just as tiny.
I think I might write to them, I'm worried these tiny pellets are more of a choke hazard.
Yes and weirdly, the first bag I bought with the new packaging were the normal size pellets. The second one was tiny, I got a bag of the oregano ones today to see if they were bigger but they're just as tiny.
I think I might write to them, I'm worried these tiny pellets are more of a choke hazard.
I've been thinking of writing too. My two used to go bonkers when I fed them but now these piplets, cos I can't call them nuggets, are being left in their bowl until they really must be hungry. I was thinking whether them being so small could cause any problems with them eating them. I even considered changing over to science selective, but I'm not sure if the fibre content is less
I've posted on their Facebook page so will see if I get a response. Rosie choked on science selective so I'm a bit paranoid about choking anyway but would be very nervous about going back to SS and they don't like fibafirst so I'm a bit stuck if excel don't change back!
I've posted on their Facebook page so will see if I get a response. Rosie choked on science selective so I'm a bit paranoid about choking anyway but would be very nervous about going back to SS and they don't like fibafirst so I'm a bit stuck if excel don't change back!
I'm really sorry to hear about your bunny choking on SS and I hope I'm not being insensitive asking but was it due to the size of SS?
I'm really not sure, there was a discussion on here about choking and it seemed the outcome was that people had experience of bunnies choking on both SS and excel. It seemed that greedy buns who eat quickly were the common factor rather than the pellet type! Luckily Rosie was fine after a day at the vets but it has made me very conscious of watching them like a hawk when they eat now
I'm really not sure, there was a discussion on here about choking and it seemed the outcome was that people had experience of bunnies choking on both SS and excel. It seemed that greedy buns who eat quickly were the common factor rather than the pellet type! Luckily Rosie was fine after a day at the vets but it has made me very conscious of watching them like a hawk when they eat now
That's understandable. I googled it earlier after I read your message and was surprised to read so much about it. We had a bunny for 8 years before the 2 we have now and I knew nothing about it. I've even bookmarked the page about how to deal with choking in the unfortunate event it ever happens. So thank you for bringing it to my attention. Fortunately our two do like the fibasticks so we are going to gradually move them over to these with a view to remove pellets from their diet altogether. Our last bunny ended up on a hay and veg only diet and I'm sure it did him good.