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Harlequin Bunnies

I love every single photo of these harlequins :love: it's such a fascinating colouring!

Summer&skye; Heidi is definitely a harlequin! A gorgeous one! :D
Aw love all the bunnies. I'd never heard of harlequins until I'd had Millie and Maddie for a few weeks but I love seeing all the different patterns and they're all quite different looking bunnies too. Everyone who meets Millie and Maddie comments on what interesting colours they are.
Aw baby Bailey is so tiny :love: I wish I could have seen mine that size! He has the same face as Millie but her dark ear is the other side.
Awwww, lovely thread :love::love::love:

There's a young male harlequin in RSPCA Macclesfield for adoption called Pepper - he's gorgeous :love::love::love: and I think it's Mabel (sp?) who is black & white harlequin like Vegan Bunny's Xena.
So many beautiful buns :love:

This is my bun Barley. She's a girl, but she was named after Nathan Barley. Barley the harley never occurred to me :oops::lol:

And Thurston, who lives with Barley and Stewart.

Rescue bun Thumper who is looking for a new home...
