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Guess the bun

That's correct! I purposely left out the black bits so you couldn't tell. You are a Mouseypie expert confirmed :love:
yay:love: Don't forget the original photo
The gorgeous Mouseypie and friends. You can tell this is winter because they are very floofy

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Where is Craig? He would be good at this

Craig is here but observing from a distance. Apologies everybun - been very busy. Not had much if any time spare to look at the forum but am checking. Presently trying to nurse Lillian and my stress levels are through the roof. I've got a fish pond that is exploading in horrid blanket weed and despite copious amounts of supposed blanket weed treatment that isn't working, I'm having to clean the pump/filter every hour at the moment. On top of that, Im worried about Lills. Her behaviour was noticably different yesterday evening - everything was kind of normalish up to then (barring the vet trip a week earlier on another thread). But yesterday night I was very concerned. Typical that it was a saturday night at 8pm again. But her tunny felt as tight as a drum and she definately had some discomfort in her sides. I gave her some metacam and some metaclopromide and had a very sleepless night. She still seemed not quite right this morning so more metaclopromide. She didn't seem that interested in breakfast so that's never a good sign. She was drinking alot more than I normally observe last night and she had some triffids in the garden first thing then I had to bring her in as it was raining. She was a little damp underneath, just like last night so that worries me. About an hour ago one I gave her a tummy massage and managed to express 2 fairly substantial pees out of her and although her tummy felt slightly less tight, I am worried. I can't feel anything solid like a stone or something else, but her behaviour is definately different.
I am leaning towards maybe an x-ray at some point in the next few days and probably a vet trip but to be honest it's not a very good way to have a consultation at the moment, from a carpark in your car. It frustrates me.
I'll give her some sulfratrim today and start her on a weeks worth of that in the interim, and continue with metaclopromide and metacam. But I also know I'll just get a hard time at the vets again about her weight and I'm stressed enough with worry about her without the lecture about her weight. We are trying had to get this down and trying to get her more exercise but if she's not well I don't want to make things worse for her. She needs to eat so hopefully the gut meds might kick start that. I dunno if she has gas or wind or anything else.
BTW, I'm rubbish at guesing bunnys. I used to be really good with memory things as I ran a huge id database and could recognise thousands of staff. But over the last few years my visual memory isn't what it was so as much as I've been following this wonderful thread when I can, I'm afraid I am hopeless at identifying the beautiful bunnies.
Sorry everybun. xx
Craig is here but observing from a distance. Apologies everybun - been very busy. Not had much if any time spare to look at the forum but am checking. Presently trying to nurse Lillian and my stress levels are through the roof. I've got a fish pond that is exploading in horrid blanket weed and despite copious amounts of supposed blanket weed treatment that isn't working, I'm having to clean the pump/filter every hour at the moment. On top of that, Im worried about Lills. Her behaviour was noticably different yesterday evening - everything was kind of normalish up to then (barring the vet trip a week earlier on another thread). But yesterday night I was very concerned. Typical that it was a saturday night at 8pm again. But her tunny felt as tight as a drum and she definately had some discomfort in her sides. I gave her some metacam and some metaclopromide and had a very sleepless night. She still seemed not quite right this morning so more metaclopromide. She didn't seem that interested in breakfast so that's never a good sign. She was drinking alot more than I normally observe last night and she had some triffids in the garden first thing then I had to bring her in as it was raining. She was a little damp underneath, just like last night so that worries me. About an hour ago one I gave her a tummy massage and managed to express 2 fairly substantial pees out of her and although her tummy felt slightly less tight, I am worried. I can't feel anything solid like a stone or something else, but her behaviour is definately different.
I am leaning towards maybe an x-ray at some point in the next few days and probably a vet trip but to be honest it's not a very good way to have a consultation at the moment, from a carpark in your car. It frustrates me.
I'll give her some sulfratrim today and start her on a weeks worth of that in the interim, and continue with metaclopromide and metacam. But I also know I'll just get a hard time at the vets again about her weight and I'm stressed enough with worry about her without the lecture about her weight. We are trying had to get this down and trying to get her more exercise but if she's not well I don't want to make things worse for her. She needs to eat so hopefully the gut meds might kick start that. I dunno if she has gas or wind or anything else.
BTW, I'm rubbish at guesing bunnys. I used to be really good with memory things as I ran a huge id database and could recognise thousands of staff. But over the last few years my visual memory isn't what it was so as much as I've been following this wonderful thread when I can, I'm afraid I am hopeless at identifying the beautiful bunnies.
Sorry everybun. xx

oh no, i'm sorry Lillian is feeling unwell. Pepper & Tulip send her their best wishes. Let us know how she gets on.
Craig is here but observing from a distance. Apologies everybun - been very busy. Not had much if any time spare to look at the forum but am checking. Presently trying to nurse Lillian and my stress levels are through the roof. I've got a fish pond that is exploading in horrid blanket weed and despite copious amounts of supposed blanket weed treatment that isn't working, I'm having to clean the pump/filter every hour at the moment. On top of that, Im worried about Lills. Her behaviour was noticably different yesterday evening - everything was kind of normalish up to then (barring the vet trip a week earlier on another thread). But yesterday night I was very concerned. Typical that it was a saturday night at 8pm again. But her tunny felt as tight as a drum and she definately had some discomfort in her sides. I gave her some metacam and some metaclopromide and had a very sleepless night. She still seemed not quite right this morning so more metaclopromide. She didn't seem that interested in breakfast so that's never a good sign. She was drinking alot more than I normally observe last night and she had some triffids in the garden first thing then I had to bring her in as it was raining. She was a little damp underneath, just like last night so that worries me. About an hour ago one I gave her a tummy massage and managed to express 2 fairly substantial pees out of her and although her tummy felt slightly less tight, I am worried. I can't feel anything solid like a stone or something else, but her behaviour is definately different.
I am leaning towards maybe an x-ray at some point in the next few days and probably a vet trip but to be honest it's not a very good way to have a consultation at the moment, from a carpark in your car. It frustrates me.
I'll give her some sulfratrim today and start her on a weeks worth of that in the interim, and continue with metaclopromide and metacam. But I also know I'll just get a hard time at the vets again about her weight and I'm stressed enough with worry about her without the lecture about her weight. We are trying had to get this down and trying to get her more exercise but if she's not well I don't want to make things worse for her. She needs to eat so hopefully the gut meds might kick start that. I dunno if she has gas or wind or anything else.
BTW, I'm rubbish at guesing bunnys. I used to be really good with memory things as I ran a huge id database and could recognise thousands of staff. But over the last few years my visual memory isn't what it was so as much as I've been following this wonderful thread when I can, I'm afraid I am hopeless at identifying the beautiful bunnies.
Sorry everybun. xx

Sorry to hear that things are so hard at the moment. Sending lots of vibes for Lills and hugs for you xx
Awww Craig - I am sorry you and Lillian are going through it at the moment. I know the stress and the sleepless bunny worry nights so I am sending hugs. I hope she starts feeling better soon. Keep us updated. Sending hugs and vibes xxx
So sorry to read your post Craig, and your worries about Lillian, I really hope the meds will kick in and help her. You are truly very perceptive of your bunnies health and demeanour, and I'm sure Lillian couldn't be in safer hands.

As to identifying the bunny pics, I've been clueless with every single one, so you are not alone !
Craig is here but observing from a distance. Apologies everybun - been very busy. Not had much if any time spare to look at the forum but am checking. Presently trying to nurse Lillian and my stress levels are through the roof. I've got a fish pond that is exploading in horrid blanket weed and despite copious amounts of supposed blanket weed treatment that isn't working, I'm having to clean the pump/filter every hour at the moment. On top of that, Im worried about Lills. Her behaviour was noticably different yesterday evening - everything was kind of normalish up to then (barring the vet trip a week earlier on another thread). But yesterday night I was very concerned. Typical that it was a saturday night at 8pm again. But her tunny felt as tight as a drum and she definately had some discomfort in her sides. I gave her some metacam and some metaclopromide and had a very sleepless night. She still seemed not quite right this morning so more metaclopromide. She didn't seem that interested in breakfast so that's never a good sign. She was drinking alot more than I normally observe last night and she had some triffids in the garden first thing then I had to bring her in as it was raining. She was a little damp underneath, just like last night so that worries me. About an hour ago one I gave her a tummy massage and managed to express 2 fairly substantial pees out of her and although her tummy felt slightly less tight, I am worried. I can't feel anything solid like a stone or something else, but her behaviour is definately different.
I am leaning towards maybe an x-ray at some point in the next few days and probably a vet trip but to be honest it's not a very good way to have a consultation at the moment, from a carpark in your car. It frustrates me.
I'll give her some sulfratrim today and start her on a weeks worth of that in the interim, and continue with metaclopromide and metacam. But I also know I'll just get a hard time at the vets again about her weight and I'm stressed enough with worry about her without the lecture about her weight. We are trying had to get this down and trying to get her more exercise but if she's not well I don't want to make things worse for her. She needs to eat so hopefully the gut meds might kick start that. I dunno if she has gas or wind or anything else.
BTW, I'm rubbish at guesing bunnys. I used to be really good with memory things as I ran a huge id database and could recognise thousands of staff. But over the last few years my visual memory isn't what it was so as much as I've been following this wonderful thread when I can, I'm afraid I am hopeless at identifying the beautiful bunnies.
Sorry everybun. xx

Craig sending vibes for you and Lillian, hope you are both getting some rest, Take care.