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Gravel path, my rabbit is using it as a toilet help!


Warren Scout
My Rog, uses the gravel path as his toilet. He has a particular end he loves. As soon as he comes out in the morning or out from his run he goes hopping off to his spot and the look of concentration is adorable but he is pooping which is a bit of pain on the path.

His wife Nessa, doesn't do it she just goes on the grass where I can sweep it up easily!

So how can I stop my little lad pooping on the path, and teach him to poop some where easier I can sweep it up! I don't mind really but it is a bit of a pain when my anyone comes over and they have to watch there step as they walk down the path!
:D:lol::lol::lol: I dont know - Im sorry - just the way you described it had me giggling away! i had to leave a comment - though not a very useful one...:oops:

Hope someone abit more helpful can help....
What is he doing? Saving it all up and doing a massive pile?:lol:I am a little confused. Rabbit poos are so tiny and not really stinky or yucky. I personally would leave them on the grass as it is a terrific fertilizer in fact I quite often dump the contents of Julie's litter box on my front lawn. They go down into the grass, fertilize and are not really noticeable.
What is he doing? Saving it all up and doing a massive pile?:lol:I am a little confused. Rabbit poos are so tiny and not really stinky or yucky. I personally would leave them on the grass as it is a terrific fertilizer in fact I quite often dump the contents of Julie's litter box on my front lawn. They go down into the grass, fertilize and are not really noticeable.

Think Andy5898 was saying that the poo is on the gravel not the grass.
Does Rog ever use a litter tray in his hutch or run? If so you can put a litter tray over the spot of gravel that he uses, with some of his droppings in it, and let him use that instead....hopefully! :p

Unfortunately trying to change the mind of a determined bunny when they have found a place they want to use as a latrine is very difficult to do and it is better to try and work with them rather than against them... because all it will do is frustrate you both.
Your other alternative is to fence this area off temporarily until the habit is broken.