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Goodbye my beautiful boy

I am so upset that I have to say goodbye to my gorgeous bunny stevie. I got stevie afew years ago when I was orking in P@H, he was blind so they cudnt sell him so i took him home with me as a b/f to my other bunny sparx, He was lovely and coped so well with the blindness he even fathered a couple of litters of babies and we didnt needto takehim out because he was such a good dad he protected them. We still have some of his babies and I will remember him whenever i look at them. Everything changed when we lost sparx through old age and stevie became depressed, but he eventuall y got over it and was happy to spend time with he other buns. But recently he stearted getting abscesses on his feet and the vet sed there was nothing they cud do because it was on all of his feet. Just to take him home and take him back friday to be PTS. But my lovely boy left for rainbow bridge today snuggled up with one of my others buns.

Run free my little man Im sure sparx is waiting for you, and all my other huns I have loved and lost, be happy my darling and I cant wait to see you again xxxxxxxx I will miss you
I'm so sorry about your boy Stevie. I'm guessing he's named after Stevie Wonder. He was so lucky to have found a great Mom and nurturing home with you.
Beautiful rainbows to see and running free for Stevie.