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Giving 2 types of pellets?


Mama Doe
Bear with me..

So my 2 frenchies were on A&P, but I noticed with a new bag they were losing condition, not as glossy coat... so I thought I would switch them over to excel as my other buns have this and it's hopefully not going to vary much in quality.

Well, all going well with the switch but at around 75% excel/25% A&P Saph started leaving caecotrophs. I've got them back to 50/50 now and I am happy with her poos and their coat condition is better too. Is it OK to feed them a mix of these pellets (obviously, not giving them any more than I was before)? They eat all of both.


Ludo eats 2 types of pellets mixed. He has Excel and SS. If he has too much Excel he gets excess caecels too, but I'm not happy with him just eating SS for other reasons.

I don't see any harm in feeding a mixture.

I have to say we went over to using Allen and paige , all my french lost condition , they developed and dandruff and fur became thin etc but with 2 weeks of going back on Excel they got back into condition , I also fed Barley rings as treats to build them up along side hay and veg.
I've just got a new bunny who was on SS at the rescue center she came from, but I've always fed my boy Excel. Currently I'm giving them a small bowl of each, but still not completely decided which one to stick with in the future. They seem to like both!