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Getting my rabbit to like me

Hi! I'm new here, this is my first post. I need help with getting my rabbit to like me, since he's still pretty skittish. Any of you know how to get him to trust me more? Thanks! (he's a Netherland Dwarf)

Hello and welcome to the forum.
Rabbits need time to build up trust with hoomans. It's not an automatic process, but some rabbits will trust quicker than others.
Alot will depend on the environment and also a great deal on interactions between you and your rabbit. Nethies are incredibly intelligent rabbits so your rabbit will thrive on the interaction you provide.
A sure fire way to your rabbits heart and to earn trust is treats. Something that your rabbit loves as a special treat.
If you can, then sit with your rabbit - just sit and be near him if he will allow. Try to avoid any sudden movements and just sit and observe. Your bunny should become curious and slowly build up confidence in you as he will know you will be there for him. A great deal of his trust will develop from forming a friendship - he will accept your friendship in return for your treats and just being there. Everything is all new for your rabbit so he needs time to adjust and tune in to the surroundings. This is probably why he is still skittish. He needs time to tune in and understand what is going on in his new world as all this will be new to him.
He will benefit from a routine - all rabbits do like a routine as much as possible so familiarisation with items and timings will help. Breakfast at the same time, tea time at the same time and so on. Small steps are always best. Just let your rabbit learn who you are, your sounds and smells and he will gradually learn to realise that you are there to protect him and be his friend.
I hope this helps with some small pointers and I'm sure that some of my fellow RU's with far more experience of rabbit behaviour will follow on with much more advice for you.
Good luck and hope that you can post photos of your bun.
Craig x
Hello :)

Craig has given you good advice and you may also find it to be very useful to take a look around the Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund's website. There is a vast amount of information about Rabbit Health and Welfare on there


Also a bit more info here :





I have a little Nethie, he was quite skittish and scared of me, until i bonded him with my hugely chilled out and affectionate french lop. My french lop has shown my nethie that Im not scary and now my nethie is really affectionate too!