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From hutch to Home help please


Warren Scout
Guinness is a house rabbit, his hutch is in the living room which he has the run of when we are home. He is starting to outgrow his hutch and i am worried about whether he will be ok when we finally get rid of his hutch and have him out permanently, his hutch is his security net and I don't want to distress him when we get rid of it. We are also going to move him to a safer room when we are out, a room he is not used to being in, how can I make the transition easy for him or will he be fine, am I just worrying to much? :wave:
Guinness is a house rabbit, his hutch is in the living room which he has the run of when we are home. He is starting to outgrow his hutch and i am worried about whether he will be ok when we finally get rid of his hutch and have him out permanently, his hutch is his security net and I don't want to distress him when we get rid of it. We are also going to move him to a safer room when we are out, a room he is not used to being in, how can I make the transition easy for him or will he be fine, am I just worrying to much? :wave:

I would say just keep the hutch for him and keep it open for him to go in and out of freely so he has his own special safe place.

Although saying that I am considering getting rid of the dog crate I use for my two, as they prefer to sleep and hide under the bed [they have free run of my room] and it is more useful to contain hay mess :)
Thanks for your quick reply :D

I will keep his hutch so he still has his safe place, but i still dont feel that comfortable giving him run of the living room whilst we are out. (Unfortunatley his hutch wont go anywhere else)
can you not put the hutch in the new room he is going to, even for a couple of day. Saying that as long as he has somewhere to hide in the new room he probably wont mind the transition at all, mine don't when we go to visit friends and family.
Unfortunatley not as it wont fit, hes going to have run off our long hallway whilst we are out as there are no wires or funiture to chew on! But - I have just bought him a new pet carrier, im gonna try and get him to use this in living room and then put it in the hallway! Hope it works wich me luck!

Im glad you mentioned that about visiting friends and family, do they still use there litter boxes in other peoples homes?
:wave: When my buns have been free range in the house I have just given them a box to hide in :D They never really used it but they knew it was there incase they wanted to hide. And they had their own little corner with their litter trays, hay, food and toys :D

If you wanted something more secure how about a dog crate? You wouldnt really need a huge one if it was always going to be left open :D
Yes i want to invest in a covered litter tray anyway, he likes to kick and dig in the one he has - So as you can imagine im on my hands and knees sweeping up his mess most of the time! :no: