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First time Bonding help!


Young Bun
I'm proud Bunny Mummy to my 3 year old Mini lop, Betsy. She is a free roam house bun who is currently missing her friend, my baby Zak the Labrador who was very sadly PTS.
I think its time she had a friend of her own.

Betsy is a little madam. She is totally adorable. Loves her head strokes and food. My problem is i don't want a new bun to come in and be boss. I know this is only natural but the thought isn't nice.

Betsy is spayed, uptodate on her injections,flead once a month etc.

Would i best best with a baby or an adult from a rescue. My problem is if they don't bond i would have no option but to not keep the new bun, as i've mentioned she is free roam so i wouldn't be able to seperate them. This thought breaks my heart but i think it's worth the risk. I'm very excited but also really nervous. I work part time in a school plus have the big Summer hols coming up so would have 6 weeks to spend with them both.

Does having a bonded pair mean humping etc? This scares me.

Any advice would be great.
Thank you from me and my Bob bum.
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Where are you located as there may be a rescue near you that can offer a bonding service?

That way your wee one would go on a date and check that all was good before you brought them home.
I'm in Manchester. I've been a fan of Tameside Rabbit and Guinea rescue so i think that would be the choice.

I know it sounds silly but i don't want to have to leave her at the rescue i will quite happily stay all day/even help with any cleaning or anything that would need doing but i'd want to bring Betsy home that evening. Hopefully that would be long enough.

Thanks for the quick reply.