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First bonding session - updated had 2nd

The Kids

Young Bun
Hi, I had my first bonding session with Lilly & Blossom today.

Started off with them both in my hall way (as it is rather small!)

At first Blossom went to Lilly & Lilly just sat there & let Blossom move round her etc. Blossom even washed her briefly. (Lilly is human timid but Blossom isnt) This went on for about 10 mins or so, then I gave them a break while we all had lunch etc (I had a caravan full!)

After lunch I tried them together again but in a pen outside, and instantly Lilly was a different bun now not around & in human territory. Started out ok, both eating together & smelling etc, but then Lilly started to nip Blossom quite a lot. She would lick lick then nip nip!!

Is this good? I wanted to see if I'm on the right track? They are apart again now, but will try again tomorrow :)
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Hiya,nipping,chasing,fur pulling humping etc are all normal part of bonding.They are just trying to sort out pecking order.I wouldnt keep separating them though,you'll just confuse them
Started off with them both in my hall way (as it is rather small!) - smaller is better than bigger.

At first Blossom went to Lilly & Lilly just sat there & let Blossom move round her etc. Blossom even washed her briefly. (Lilly is human timid but Blossom isnt) - all positive.

This went on for about 10 mins or so, then I gave them a break while we all had lunch etc (I had a caravan full!)
- when bonding it is better to bond in one session as it is more stressful for buns to be bonded for short periods. It is also best if for the first 48 hours they are maintained in the same area rather than move them as they will then be sorting out dominance in different areas which is confusing for a bun.

After lunch I tried them together again but in a pen outside, and instantly Lilly was a different bun now not around & in human territory. - Bonding in one place and in one session is best and less stressful.

Started out ok, both eating together & smelling etc, but then Lilly started to nip Blossom quite a lot. She would lick lick then nip nip!! Sounds fairly normal
Today I've done a 2nd session of bonding. Started out with them eating together all very calm, bit of grooming of themselves & each other. Then after about half hour Lilly started the nipping & some humping this time.

After humping they laid together for a while or apart then all of a sudden humping again!

Poor Blossom!

Couple questions
1- should you stop the humping if it gets too much?
2 - how long should each session last?

Thank you for your help :)
1- should you stop the humping if it gets too much?
No humping is a normal part of bonding and therefore you should leave them to get on with it. It is part of a rabbits way of sorting out whom is the dominant rabbit, if you keep stopping them you are actually preventing them from bonding properly and this can leave them confused.

2 - how long should each session last?

When bonding it is better to bond in one session only. Bonding in short sequence is a method which was recommended in the past, however it is now found that this is more stressful in the longer term for bunnies than doing it in one session. I reguarly bond each weekend. I always start on a Thursday or a Friday evening and keep going without stopping until they go out usually on a Sunday evening. I advise their new owners then not to ever separate them.
Hi there - the only time you should intervene with bunny bonding is if they're fighting. There will be no mistaking if this is happening - if you have to ask yourself are they fighting, they're not.

It's best to put them together and leave them like that. Everytime you separate them you have to start all over again.

Good luck!