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Farm Animals


Warren Veteran
I feel so sorry for them. They are treated like numbers, not as individuals. I go to college where we do farm livestock as one of our topics. They were telling us about lambing. 8 of the ewes were barren (had no lambs on the scan) and so they said that you have to sell them to market!!! I was gobsmacked. If I decided to breed a load of dogs and suddenly, one of them didn't take, would it be acceptable for me to just kill it and eat it? And also, all the lambs born will be sent to market too!!! It would be a disgrace if I started breeding rabbits, dogs etc for meat. You would be outraged!! Why is it any different with sheep, cows, etc? Don't they have the same rights as any other animal? It's all about money and profit. I know it's a business but it's not right if it concerns animals. :cry:
Don't get me started on how Farm Animals are treated! :(

I can't bare the thought of what goes on. I am a veggie, trying to become a vegan. x
I guess it depends on what type of farming. I get what you mean about large famrs, but where I live there are only hobby farms. Each animal is treated fairly. :D
We're vegan too and about 95% of our beautiful volunteers! Don't think I would have the energy to run this place if I ate flesh - zaps too much energy to absorb the stuff. You can't be around all our farm animals and not realise how full of character they really are. People don't think about all the animals that are surplus to requirements - male chickens, male cows, male goats etc etc. All our animals get their ear tags cut off and get a name. Unfortunately even though they will spend the rest of their lives at our sanctuary and NEVER end up as food we still have to abide by DEFRA rules and deal with movement licenses and fill in forms upon forms upon forms. I will die if there is ever a cull of anything. I really will.
just to say... in the firist post you said about dogs and rabbits.....
well that happens in other contries...
click in to dogs. and rabbits...... and farm animals on this link..... its sick, bloody. but true and they are trying to help. a mod has to look at this frist .... so yu can remove link if you want mod.:wave:
Poor inocent little Bunnys,, they are such Lovely animals and they are vegetarian too and and so sweet and kind, i do wish that God would do something to Protect all the poor animals suffering,,
We've heard it all before but... meat really is murder. We don't need to eat meat to survive.

It makes me very sad.

I am a member of Compassion in World Farming. Check out their website


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