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Evie needs mega vibes please - u/d p 145 She's gone

Sending lots and lots of vibes for Evie Denise, she is a fighter and I will be thinking of her all day. You must be shattered with worry, sending you hugs x
I've only just seen the update.
Oh Denise I'm so sorry:cry:

I really, really hope she can recover. It's the most awful agony waiting for news.

*sending loads of vibes*
I'm sorry I've only just had chance to update on Evie - thank you so much everyone for thinking about her today & for your good wishes for her.

Evie end up having to have an operation to remove a blockage in her stomach - I can't believe what she has been through this week :cry: She had food impacted in her stomach despite continuing to eat & drink yesterday. Our vet rang me at work to ask permission to operate, as her stomach wasn't emptying as it should do :cry: We were told without it we would lose her :cry:

When they operated they found her stomach looked normal & there was no other obvious blockage, but for some reason the food had become impacted in her stomach & wasn't passing through. They have been unable to establish the cause of this.

Evie is now home & although she is very poorly - it's positive she made it through the op. I'd been dreading getting a call at work to say she hadn't made it. We could have chosen to have her transferred to the OHH service to be kept in overnight, but tbh I really do not trust them one bit & our own vets opinion was that Evie would be better off at home with us in familiar surroundings, especially given she is blind.

We basically need to take each hour as it comes with her & we are back first thing tomorrow morning for her to be checked. For tonight I need to syringe feed her if she won't voluntarily eat. She has already done me about 20 poo's & one big sticky poo, so I'm guessing she's feeling relieved by that.

I've booked the next couple of days of work to be at home with her to try to nurse her through this.

If anyone can spare more vibes for our special girl, we would be very grateful - thank you xxx
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Oh poor Evie! It's great she's come through the op though :) sending loads more vibes for her, and snuggles! Xx
Im so sorry Denise Ive only just seen this thread.Im putting all the prayers up in the world for you beautiful brave Evie :love::love:and sending a great big hug for you xxxx
Massive vibes for a very brave girl :love: Great news that she's poo'd already :) Nomming vibes en route too :wave:
Poor baby :(

Sending lots and lots of Get Well soon wishes xxxxxxxx

Louie says:- Sorry to hear you have been poorly :( Hurry up and get better, lots of huggles xxxxxxx

Goodness Evie you have given your Mummy a fright.... I hope you feel better soon though , big nosey rubs from all of us here.xx
Sending loads of vibes for your beautiful girl. :love:

We have our fingers and paws crossed and hope that she is back to full health very soon. xx