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Ello, just joined!


Young Bun

My names Jemma and I'm based up in lovely sunny (sometimes) cumbria. I've not got bunnies yet but me and my husband are planning on getting some as soon as possible. We're just waiting on getting our hutch (ordered over the net) and then we'll be into serious bunny shopping mode.

Has anyone any advice on where to get some bunnies from. We're after some babies really as we're new to keeping rabbits (though we've both had them as children) and ideally we'd love 2 rexes, prefereably two brothers though a male and a female would also be a possible.

I'm glad to find this site, I've come across from the rat world and it had a lot of really good websites but this is the first brill website I've found. Hopefully I'll absorb a fair bit of info for the future and I'll be as obsessed with rabbits as I am with rats.


Babies are really really cute, but they don't stay babies for long at all :shock: Have you considered going to visit a rescue or two to see what gorgeous buns they have there? There are so many beautiful boys and girls just crying out for a forever home that it's a shame more people aren't aware and just go to pet shops and breeders :(

You're right about this site though - it's brilliant and soooo informative and helpful - welcome!! :)
Hi welcome to the forum.
Im useless at geography but if u search on RR site, link is at top right side of this page.. you can search by county, there arent really any in Cumbria but maybe there will be something nearby. Good luck with your search :D There are lots of people on this forum who run rescue centres so they may be able to point u in the right direction of a close one to you
Hi and welcome :wave:
I had a quick search for you, there is only 1 rabbit in Cumbria at the moment but if you have transport, there are plenty in Lancashire and loads in Yorkshire who are all in need of a loving home :D
I hope you find some beautiful bunnies soon :D
Rescue bunnies, that's what you need :D

All my 4 are rescue and adorable.

Welcome to the forum.

Rescue :D There were a few Rexes on too - you can do a search on Rabbit Rehome for a particular breed. Bonded boys might not be as popular as boy/girl pairs, but you might get lucky!!

Happy Hunting :D