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Eating my clothes


Young Bun
I hope people dont think I'm dumb....this is my second post in 2 days on behavior. I am a first time bunny mom so this is all so new to me. Tonight I was in the kitchen and Olivia is running around playing with a waffle box and a pepsi box and then came to me and started chewing on my clothes. She has NEVER done this before. I tried to pull my pants leg away from her and she stomped her feet at me and then continued to chew on my clothes. She has made a hole in my pants leg now. How do I stop her from doing this without her getting mad or scared? And why is she doing this all of the sudden? :?
Aww no one will think that! The only way we find things out is by asking - I still post behaviour questions!

Has Olivia been spayed? That's the first question.

She sounds like she's just being a little madam to me :lol: I'm sure others will have more constructive advice but I'd just move whatever she chews away for now - incase she eats any of it which wouldn't be too good for her if she ate a lot of something like that.
No she is not fixed. Looking at getting her fixed next month. She doesnt chew my clothes unless I have them on. One solution would be to walk around naked...but thats not an ideal solution:p
Both my girls used to nibble my clothes and my shoes too! It stopped overnight when they were spayed and now they both lick my clothes and hands instead! :love:
Sounds like she's seeking your attention, probably partly to do with being hormonal. Spaying should help, in the meantime you could try wearing old clothes and ignoring her when she does it. If she gets attention shes likely to carry on.
Thanks everyone. She is in rare form tonight. She has trashed my kitchen, pulled all the boxes out of the recycling bin, pooped everywhere, chased the cat...I have never seen her like this...its funny until I have to clean up this mess :lol:
No she is not fixed. Looking at getting her fixed next month. She doesnt chew my clothes unless I have them on. One solution would be to walk around naked...but thats not an ideal solution:p

:lol: she might be grooming you - a bit keenly though! I do imagine her hormones are playing a big part in this. Does she have a friend? If not, she may see you as her friend and is treating you as such:) Once she's spayed I reckon it will stop like megansmummy said- until then, wear wellies :lol:
No, she doesnt have a friend yet. So, because of that, I spend a lot of time with her. So I guess she does kinda see me as her friend. That makes sense. Here is a picture of what she has done to the kitchen. She has now pulled my tupperware out of my cabinet. The door is broke so she can get to the stuff in there.
