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Eastbourne Alert!

Hi Dorothy - I also have a semi blind bunny. She is completely blind in one eye, and has some sight left in her other eye but not much. However, it doesn't seem to bother her at all, as long as things aren't moved about in the bunny shed, and they are all fed in the same place etc, she copes very well. I don't think bunnies sight is very good anyway, and rely more on those big ears they have and their noses! :D I always speak to Truffle before I try to approach her so she knows I'm there, and I blow on her so she knows I am there! :lol:
Thanks for your comments. I have had a few bunnies who developed cataracts and therefore impared vision. They have all thrived despite this and Violet I am sure will also cope.
She spent the afternoon in her run as it was actualy sunny and warm and didn't rain. She had fun jumping on and off a big cardboard box and diving inside it. Then she enjoyed some streching out relaxing 8) . All in all a happy first full day here :D .
Thank you Holly Go-Lightly for posting this lovely bunny's details on the Forum :D :D . Piccies are being developed and should be posted here soon. I'll put them under introductions.
:D Dorothy I'm so glad your beautiful new bunny has found such a lovely new home. I hope she gives you many years of pleasure!!