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dumped by the roadside.........

we had one in at the rspca a couple of months ago that had been left in the road in a box. someone had stopped to move the box so it didn't cause an accident and found a petrified rabbit in it! She was still shaking when she got to the rescue centre. People are so bizarre and cruel.
I'm sure people who commit acts of cruelty or neglect must have something wrong with their brain!! :censored: I dont imagine anyone vaguely 'normal', with an ounce of compassion, could just walk away without knowing their pets fate..... I really dont like humans very much.:cry:

Great name and piccies are definately needed!:D
Poor little Boo!!!!!!!:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I am SO glad that you found him!!! I love the name too, and am so happy that he will now know the kind of life that all bunnies deserve!!!:D :D :D

I really hate people sometimes.:evil: :evil: :evil:
Poor Boo (what a lovely name). Its terrible he was left out in a cage. Why can't people atleaast leave them near an RSPCA even if they don't want to hand them over themselves.

The one in the box is terrible too :evil:
Bless him.

My Inky was dumped at the side of the road at a month old, a lady found him and took him to a rescue centre. I'll have had him 3 years tomorrow. I'm sure Boo will have a better life now that he is in your care.


FC xx
Why are there so many cruel people around that seem to think that everything in society is disposable? I have inherited 2 hamsters, 1 gerbil and a cockatiel that had been abandoned in empty properties. People move out and leave them, the hamster was found in his cage under a pile of cushions, and the gerbil was running free in the property. Luckily the people who were clearing the properties knew I was a softie:oops: and would look after them.