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Diarrhoea in older rabbit ? cause


Warren Scout
Hi, my older (approx 8yrs) female rabbit has always had a normal bowel and good health, not overweight. Excellent hay eater and no changes to diet. The other morning I woke up to several puddles of runny stool. She seemed otherwise well. I took both rabbits to the vet for a check. She had good bowel sounds, was well hydrated, bum was clean enough considering. Has small dental spur but has always had that.

Was given fibreplex which she's now finished. We've had no further diarrhoea and she seems ok, what do you think the cause might have been? is it likely to be the start of something worse? Her partner seems fine. I'm keeping a close eye on her bottom and eating.

Thank you.
are you sure it was true diarrhoea ? and not excess ceacotrophs ? if it was then maybe a one off could be anything due to warm weather maybe
Very odd, actual diarrhoea isn't that common in adults and when they do get they are usually quite unwell - not just a one off with no other symptoms.

I'm stumped. Keeping a close eye is a good idea but other than that it might just be one of those mysteries.
Is she spayed ?

Where there normal fecal pellets amongst the diarrhoea ?

Have you noticed that she has been drinking more recently ? More than could be expected in hot weather ?
Thanks, yes she was spayed by the rescue we got her from, many years ago. The run was covered over because of rain so there was no chance another animal had squatted on top of it -which was my first thought. Plus you could see a little of it on her bottom although nothing bad it was obvious it was her. After she saw the vet the next morning there were a few piles of it but it was 'firming up' nicely with normal brown stools mixed in. Now all clear. I've just fed them and she ran up and tucked in. Not drinking anymore water than usual.

It's all very odd...
Well, just an update. She's been fine since, I've been checking her over. Seems a one off but will keep a close eye.
One of my rabbits, Digby gets this sometimes. Personally I think he has found and eaten something in the garden which has disagreed with him and upset his tummy - maybe a buutercup, or something like that. It always only lasts for a day and then he is fine. Fibreplex does seem to sort him out quickly.
One of my rabbits, Digby gets this sometimes. Personally I think he has found and eaten something in the garden which has disagreed with him and upset his tummy - maybe a buutercup, or something like that. It always only lasts for a day and then he is fine. Fibreplex does seem to sort him out quickly.

That's reassuring to hear, thank you.