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Design our logo- winner announced!

I want to have a go but my art skills are poor at best. If i had a go could you get someone to make it into a professional looking logo (if i did happen to win of course)?:lol:
Second entry (these are photographs of the design cos I haven't got a scanner):

Colour version:

Black & White version:

ohh wow, i love this one n colour :love:
I want to have a go but my art skills are poor at best. If i had a go could you get someone to make it into a professional looking logo (if i did happen to win of course)?:lol:

I'm sure we could, Mike's quite good on the computer and we have a few arty friends- in fact one of our vets is good on the computer and arty, so I would ask him to 'tidy it up'.:)
I want to have a go but my art skills are poor at best. If i had a go could you get someone to make it into a professional looking logo (if i did happen to win of course)?:lol:

This was my worry. I have a couple of designs in my head but don't know how to get them down on paper :oops:
Tomorrow is the last day for entries- please let me know if you are posting anything to us, so we can keep an eye out for it.

Thank you to those who have entered and thank you for your payments donnamt, blackberry &co and xmissysjx for your payments- just realised I hadn't replied with a thank you.:oops:
The entries have now been distributed to the committee memebers, so I will announce the winner as soon as I get their opinions back - hopefully by Wednesday.
I am sooooooo excited!:lol:
I think we have finally made a decision for the winner and runner up. It was very difficult and we ( the committee didn't really expect it to be so difficult).
I will announce the winner (s) tomorrow evening after contacting the designers.:D
Sorry I'm so late, but the winner is Blackberry & Co with her round design, xmissyjsx was a close runner up and we have asked if we can also use her logo for headers etc. What can I say- we're greedy!:lol:

It was a very close run competition and personally I would like to be able to use them all.

Thank you to all who entered and we will get some mugs printed off if anybody would like to buy one.