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cracking hutches for sale in timber yard Falkirk Scotland


Warren Scout
I was looking to buy a new 6ft two tiered rabbit hutch for my two buns as their hutch roof is a bit worse for wear. My friend saw a Shed shop on Grahams Rd in Falkirk, Scotland and said there was one in window for £180. Expensive but i checked it out. It was fantastic! It was the height of me! 5ft high and 2.5ft wide, Apex roof all felted. Although only 5 ft long it was made of huge bits of timber and treated as well. Never seen such a great hutch. They also had a massive solid timber hutch (5ft) with more than enough room to stand up in! Cathedral like! for £60! The roof lifts up on this one but they are changing it to put doors on either side.

Im going back at the weekend with a tape measure as the 5ft high double hutch will cover my kitchen window slightly. They make them any size and design. Im going to ask them to make a 6ft hutch with a 3ft top level to it to fit against my kitchen wall! Need an L shape. Dont like the buns being up at top of garden in winter out my sight!
If any of the members live in Scotland and are looking for a large hutch then i highly recommend you go and have a look at this shop.
I will take some pictures of the hutches when i go at weekend and post them. I bought a hutch for £100 from Pets at Home a few months ago as i was taking a long time to bond new bun and it is a flimsy little shack compared to these!

will keep you posted and get pics.
Oooh, I can't wait to see the pics. One of my buns has started eating her Happy Hutch from the inside out so I think I might have to replace it sometime soon. She's only had it less than a year aswell! :shock:
Hi can you let me know where in Grahams road as I am looking for a good hutch thanks

I was looking to buy a new 6ft two tiered rabbit hutch for my two buns as their hutch roof is a bit worse for wear. My friend saw a Shed shop on Grahams Rd in Falkirk, Scotland and said there was one in window for £180. Expensive but i checked it out. It was fantastic! It was the height of me! 5ft high and 2.5ft wide, Apex roof all felted. Although only 5 ft long it was made of huge bits of timber and treated as well. Never seen such a great hutch. They also had a massive solid timber hutch (5ft) with more than enough room to stand up in! Cathedral like! for £60! The roof lifts up on this one but they are changing it to put doors on either side.

Im going back at the weekend with a tape measure as the 5ft high double hutch will cover my kitchen window slightly. They make them any size and design. Im going to ask them to make a 6ft hutch with a 3ft top level to it to fit against my kitchen wall! Need an L shape. Dont like the buns being up at top of garden in winter out my sight!
If any of the members live in Scotland and are looking for a large hutch then i highly recommend you go and have a look at this shop.
I will take some pictures of the hutches when i go at weekend and post them. I bought a hutch for £100 from Pets at Home a few months ago as i was taking a long time to bond new bun and it is a flimsy little shack compared to these!

will keep you posted and get pics.