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Contorted hazel twigs

What's a contorted hazel twig? Hazel is safe for bunnies to chew as long as it has been untreated (ie no pesticides) and had been aged for at least months. By aged I mean cut from the tree and kept in a dry place.
I've heard of contorted willow, and both it and hazel (non-contorted as far as I know) are both fine to give to buns. :)
What's a contorted hazel twig? Hazel is safe for bunnies to chew as long as it has been untreated (ie no pesticides) and had been aged for at least months. By aged I mean cut from the tree and kept in a dry place.
Thats great thankyou. I thought i could just cut some off and give to my buns!!!! none of my plants have been treated with pesticides so will be o.k.
How many months does it have bee kept dry for????
I got an order of fresh willow and apple twigs and been to check if they have touched them and :shock::shock: I think they approve!!! :lol:
Thats great thankyou. I thought i could just cut some off and give to my buns!!!! none of my plants have been treated with pesticides so will be o.k.
How many months does it have bee kept dry for????

Sorry, that was meant to say three! I've read in a few places that the only wood you can give without it being dried is apple, but I don't know why I'm afraid.
its corkscrew hazel, to be snooty :lol::lol:

i give my bun fresh and dried willow lot of during summer mine are all fine, leaves as well, makes there poo's very golden
its corkscrew hazel, to be snooty :lol::lol:
no don't be daft- i couldnt be snooty to save my life:lol::lol::lol:
no it is called contorted hazel :D:D:D.
I' ll try to sort a pic out for you:D. They do love it tho:D:D