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Confused bunny.....


Warren Scout
Who thinks he's a cat!


He's discovered how to get on the windowsill, which means my basil plant isn't safe haha

He's taken to lying there and watching people and cars go past. I'm going to get some funny looks from passers by. Who would expect to see a rabbit in the window of a house?!haha
My Pipkin used to do that all the time- on a slightly narrower sill! We live quite a ways above the street, though.
That is really cute. My Bobby used to do that. But if anyone came near the window from outside he would bolt. Lol :)

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Awww George! How did you get up there you silly bunny! :lol:

Apparently I'm a climbing frame and its socially acceptable to lick me and act loving then climb on my shoulder/head to get what he really wants haha!

So happy he's settled in well and is loving the space :)