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Concerned about Crunchie - re food


Mama Doe
Hi guys, my little Miss Munchie only ate half of her pellets yesterday which is very unusual for her.
I gave them to her and then had to rush off to work, when I came back, only half of them had been eaten, I was gone for approx 6 hours, she normally finishes them in less than 10 minutes.
She is eating her hay and veges as normal and is drinking and pooping fine.
I'm thinking it may be her teeth but she won't let me close enough to check properly.
Is this a sign of lonliness? I intend to get her a new partner very soon but she has been a single bun for a while now and with me being enormous and unable to bend very well, we havn't been spending as much time together.
Does anyone have any ideas?

She's booked in to see the vet on Saturday, that's the earliest appointment they had. (They won't give her an emergency appointment unless she stops eating altogether)

Many, many thanks
Katie x
What food is she eating? Have you recently bought a new bag as there are a number of cases of other rabbits going off their new packet of SS.

It would certainly be worth checking on her teeth and see if there is a problem.
She's on Excel and is currently half way through a bag, I've had a look through it but it looks and smells normal :?
How has she been today? My buns have days when they're not interested in their pellets but it never lasts too long! I wouldn't worry too much if she is still eating other food, drinking and pooping normally. Keep an eye on her and if it was her teeth you probably wouldn't be able to tell anyway as it would most likely be her back teeth and you'll need the vet to look at them. Keep us posted and I hope she's back to her usual self really soon.x
Hi I'm in agreement with Chloe. As long as she's eating her hay and some veg, and she's weeing and pooing normally, then don't worry about the pellets.