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Collapsable wooden/meshed run?

Oh my goodness, that poor little bunny. I am quite worried about this. Just been looking at mine. Bella pushes her nose through, but can't get any further than that, but I guess if she managed to get her head sideways through the bars, then turned her head back to normal, she would be stuck :cry:. We have some mesh, so I am going to tack on some round the sides, as the run was meant for fosters so I could have smaller rabbits using it who are probably more likely to fit their heads through.

I am so glad I read this thread!

I had that same run when my two were babies and one of them escaped out of it, didn't see how but presume he squeezed through the bars. My OH put chicken wire all around the outside of it, and that stopped them squeezing through but also they coudn't get their heads through either. So they couldn't get stuck then.