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Colder than ever - is it too cold???

Hello :wave:

It is colder than its ever been for a long time and a real worry when you have animals living outside.

I've been checking on my bunsters and have bought my only single bunny indoors into the spare room, no heating on and the window open a wee bit so that he isn't going from freezing cold to warm house. I've been checking on him the last week and a couple of days ago he looked so miserable and cold I brought him in. It's different for bunny pairs but a bunny on its own doesn't have another bun to snuggle up with for body heat.

Plus, I have heard of two people who have lost rabbits during this cold spell. A lady in Bristol lost two of her more frail rabbits and a woman in Devon lost a couple of rabbits too.

This has been the coldest winter in a long time, far colder than last year and I didn't want to risk it.

Love to you and Spenser x x
Do you have a B&Q or other DIY Store there? I would suspect many of these may be useful to put on the top, sides and back, and potentially even to roll down and up. Linky
I've used those silver backed windscreen covers on mine, they're only a £1 or so in £stretcher & the like ;)
I have the foil bubble wrap on mine, then cardboard on the top of the hutch covered all this with tarp, inside I have lined some cardboard at the back, they have lino on the floor covered with towels then vet bed, up the one end they have their litter tray and up the other end they have a bed full of hay, I worry about them and did consider bringing them in but they like their hutch, I leaned right into the hutch and it is warmer in there than out. You have a night shutter don't you, I put mine on but only across half the mesh, and I use snuggle safes.