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Chewing - is bitter apple safe and does it work


Young Bun

My new rabbits are settelign in happily but seem to have a tast for chewing most thing, in particular wooden furniture and part of the wall. I've previously had rats and managed to read somehwere that a bitter apple spray can discourage them from chewing what they shouldn't. I've found some at the following site http://www.petcompany.co.uk/acatalog/Online_Catalogue_Training_82.html but it's designed for dogs. Does anyone know if this works or if it's safe for rabbits?


Jem =0)

Humphrey and Rosie <= )0 <= )0
It's supposed to be safe for rabbits

BUT in my experience it doesn't work. Gus loves the taste of it, strange bunny. It might be worth a try, but your bunnies could eventually grow out of the chewing phase, all mine did once they got bored of it.

In the meantime, try giving them seagrass mats - mine would choose them over skirting boards etc or any other toys any day
Don't know - but there's some spray you can get from Petshops - I use it to discourage chewing & weeing in corners. I also have been known to use perfume - one taste & they never go back!!

Neutering can help sometimes too :D