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Chester Bunny

haha my OH is the opposite. He works right by a pets at home, and goes in most days on his break! :lol:

He's forever taking pics of bunnies and asking if we can have them!! Only if we had more room! :( :lol:
have you just got chester? :)

see what i mean about bella being a mini me:


:D xx
squeeee she's lovely!!!

We have princess powder puff too :D she's a mini lionhead :D

We need to get her a boyfriend (chester is too small :lol:)

and chester needs a girlfriend! :love:
jaspers a lion head :


both came from pets at home, i know people wont really agree with where they cam from but they deserved good homes too and i adore them. im a sucker for buns :oops:

you should def get chester a girlfriend ;) another giant?? xx
would need a bigger house for another giant i think!!

Both of mine are from pets at home. couldnt help meself! they just had to come home with me! :lol:
could you not intro them or is that a silly question due to chesters size? :oops: bella's ears just attracted me, that and the fact a little girl said ' look how stupid that rabbitt with the big ears looks!!!' :shock: what a thing to say. look whos laughing now eh, im the one with the soppiest, gorgeous little bun ever :D x
We can pick him up. He doesn't like it too much though!!

he's getting better with it though...I come out with less scratches! :lol: