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can rabbits use cat flaps?


New Kit
We are adding an outdoor run to our bunnies' summer house home. Has any one managed to get their bunnies to use a cat flap or should we just cut a hole? It'd be great if they could get in and out the whole time.
Advice appreciated :)
Yes mine do. It didn't take them long to work it out either. I had to push it open a few times but they quickly go the hang of it. :D
My lote will use the cat flap but it took them a while to get into it! If they won't, you can always just tie it open during the day.
A cat flap on a shed, with an attached run, is a great idea. I personally would not want my house bunnies exiting the house via a cat flap, without supervision in the garden. There are risks with foxes out in daylight in cities.
My two use a catflap with no problems, only took them a few minutes to figure it out. It's so funny watching them when they have supervised time in the garden, they do a lap round the garden which includes flying into the run, through the catflap and out through the playhouse!