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Can a cat really love a bunny?

Doodle Bug

New Kit
Bella (the cat) is just over a year old and fluff is almost 4, now that marble has passed i was hoping they would become friends. Previously i have put bella outside when they bunnies were out because marble was very protective of fluff and although he was never aggresive, i thought it was better safe then sorry. When seperated by a playpen fluff would always come and say hello to bella and they both seemed curious of each other. In the last few days i've been letting fluff out when bellas in and although they are not aggressive bella seems to get over excited and chases her, it seems to bother me more then fluff, but i'm worrier, if any one has any tips or hints, it would be great.
I have four cats and will be waiting in anticipation for any answers. Lola (bunny) has no fear of the cats - she chases them hanging onto their tails and gets a firm telling off when she does it, often a box around the ears. The cats spit at her, but if she gets too close, they just find a spot where she cannot reach them. Mitzy (one of my cats) seems to tolerate her mildly as long as Lola does not bite/lick/chew her tail.

Lola seems to want to be really good friends with the cats - but they are not having any of it.
I once had a cat called Sheeba and a bunny called Thumper and they were truly in love.I used to go up stairs and Thumper would be bonking Sheeba and she just let him:shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:
It's very much an individual thing. In my teens we used to have a cat and a rabbit. The rabbit was free range in the garden and you'd often find her and the cat snuggled up in the hutch together. The cat used to stalk the bunny when he thought she wasn't looking, but as soon as she turned round and looked at him, he'd pretend he was sniffing the grass or a plant.
ask our salem that!! he loves relly loves the buns but yes they do play the im hunting you game..not properly but walking slowly then pretending to sniff something..then walk agin..its almost like whats the time mr wolf that we played as kids! other times its run up to buns pretend to swat with paw but paw is about a foot away from bun..turn head upside down like kitten anddancesideways waiting for bun to join in...and ours tend to apart from bandit..they like to creep up on him and go boo to make him jump..then they wonder why eh chases them.
salem loves to wash the buns cuddle up and go to sleep with the buns..wrap himself aorund bertie and snuggle and snooze togehter..until slaem gets dribbly and purry and dough treads bertie...he then shakes salem off and tells him to get lost:lol:
salem and zuzu really miss willow..she played like a cat with them and enjoyed rough and tumble games but when she was fully grown the cats were a bit wary as she played so rough! bif tends to chase them if shes in a bad mood and theyre just saton the floor having a wash etc..
maybe thats lolas prob..its all about territory and does are THE worst for that and cats can be beaten up as shes proved..and will be ebaten up to keep them in check.

they can get carried away with each other....which is why with willow we were worried about next doors cat getting in our garden and chaisng our cats..shed have atatcked the cat.

when i lost my kitty three years ago her mum was lsot and heartbroken but so was poor oscarbunny..tabs woukd insist of having her brekkie outside the dog crate up agaisnt his food bowl and they would eat together every morning and evening he was comfort to her...and i never relasied how he pined for bumble and when tabs went he was so alone and grief stricken..eneter one feisty little rescue doe....
Yes, my cat Pudge and rabbit Olly love to play with each other. They know when it is play time and Pudge sits on the stairs waiting for Olly. Although Pudge swipes at him occassionally there are no claws out. Pudge purrs as well when they go nose to nose. It is so sweet. :love:
Nick and Zorro get on fine too. :wave:

Sometimes Zorro gets a little too excited (he is only 5 months), but Nick puts him in his place by running straight at him - he flies straight upwards! :lol: They don't cuddle much though, more like sit next to eachother. Nick does try to groom Zorro when they are close, but Zorro left his mother very young, so he isn't used to grooming by an animal and it freaks him out a bit.