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Can a 3 month old female bunny get pregnant?


Young Bun
I have a 3 month old female dwarf bunny. Right now she is living with a male bunny two weeks younger then her he's a double maned bunny they have been together for about a month now and get along great but I'm not sure if she can get pregnant so young? Should I seperate them now? Or is it ok for them to be together and can seperate them once she hits 4 months? And tip, suggestions will be great!
I'm not very good on this kind of thing (hopefully someone with more experience will come along) but I think they are both at the age where they could be fertile, yes, so I would be separating them straight away. I would not be keeping unneutered opposite sex rabbits together - too much risk.
Definitely separate them straight away, and keep an eye on the female in case she is already pregnant.

How do I know for sure if he's tried to mate with her? Because she has been weird and is always alone in a corner but sometimes they are together and just seems like something is up. I was told when her father mated with her mom she seemed scared and on her own so I'm guessing he probably has tried already and may be pregnant (n) but I'm not so sure. I will seperate them right away but I just hope she isn't.