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Bunny, still in my thoughts

Mrs Honey Bunny

Warren Scout
Its coming up to the 3rd anniversary of when you left us - my special little boy. Bunny, a little man with attitude (some would say grumpy) who was very selective with his friends. Once a friend always a friend who he would shower with kisses and jump into your arms for cuddles. At the end even the vet was touched when he was included into your group of friends and you gave him kisses and jumped into his arms for a cuddle.

You weren't very well for a month and we tried to help - my last memory is of you stretched out in the Winter sunshine sunbathing the day before we lost you, and I did think that we were over the worst, but I guess it was your time to go.

My first ever rabbit who was such a little character you will always have a place in my heart :love::love::love:
