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Bunny lost its partner


New Kit
I had a bonded pair of rabbits. Dany & Annabelle. They have been togeather for 2 years. Last week Dany Died unexpectedly. He was not sick, and was in top health, we still dont know why he died. Annabelle has been extemely skittish since his death. I am trying to figure out if it would be good to leave her by herself or try to find her a new companion. Please Help!
I'm so sorry for your loss :cry:

Some buns do better being quickly rebonded with another rabbit and other buns need time to grieve. It just depends on the rabbit really. If she is really depressed and not coping too well then I would say that she may benefit from being rebonded sooner rather than later, this is something only you as her owner can judge really. Sometimes buns need to move on quicker than we as humans are ready to sadly, but for bun's sake it's sometimes the best thing, it really does depend on the rabbit. I'm very sorry for your loss x

Some people find a soft rabbit toy can provide a bit of comfort at these times. I would contact your local HRS chapter if you can find it and see what they suggest. :)