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Bunny flipping her potty


Young Bun
Hi guys,

Just need some advice on our mini lop.. She is just over one years old now. The past few months we have noticed her behaving differently compared to her companion who's she lived with also for a year. She frequently keeps flipping her potty over or digs her poop out. It's like a hurricane has hit their cage or she enjoys her cage being messy! Is this normal? Please help?
What kind of litter tray do you use? I bought the corner ones and both my bunnies flip those over and make a huge mess :? We are having much much better luck with 16 and 32 litre underbed storage boxes :) Daisy still nudges it around with her nose but cant tip it (yet!) :)
Has she been spayed? At that age, her hormones could be driving her to insanity, which would explain why the change of behaviour in the past few months.
We have two large cat litter trays bought from Wilkinson, we had to have two as they often want to go at the same time. We kept the small corner litter try we got for Murphy when she was a baby as she likes it in its place in the corner of the kitchen and if we remove it she just uses the floor. The trouble is that PawPaw likes to tip it over then dig out all the litter and will do so when ever he gets the chance, it does look like a hurricane hit the kitchen afterwards. I just thought it was Pawpaw objecting to it being there, although he will often poop or wee in the mess created.
She has been spayed. And they use the corner potty. They're not always out so maybe it is boredom? It's just weird that I have had her for over a year and it's only started to happen few months ago.

Thanks for the advice guys you guys rock!