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Bunny ER-27/1-Brian Has Survived Thanks to C + Team

I'm sorry it wasn't good news :cry: I hope Murphy can remain happy and comfortable for as long as possible. I hope Jo feels better soon xx
Thanks everyone.

Murphy is actually doing really well considering all his problems. He is eating and pooing and remarkably bright just a few hours after his GA

Sorry to read of Murphy's news, but glad to read that he made it through the GA so well, and hope he feels well for some time to come.

Sending vibes for Jo also, hope she's feeling better soon.
Just logged on to check how Murphy and Jo are. Sorry the news wasn't good about Murphy
but glad he's doing well after his GA.

Sending Murphy and Jo mega Vibes and Thinking of you Jane xxxxx

Hugs xxx
As difficult as it must be to decide against further and obviously invasive treatment for Murphy (funds notwithstanding) I applaud your decision not to opt for Murphy to undergo anything more regarding his mass. I actually had Mimzy aspirated back in December during an ER GA and dental and even though he is only 5 he is still not quite the same since. I wish I'd left it alone, but the not knowing at the time had me frantic.

Anyway, my post is meant to say how sweet he looks in that photo. All your bunnies have that same look in their pix, Jane...the look that says: "I am loved by a very dear human being."
Extra get well vibes for Jo as well. Bless.
This morning Murphy is bouncing about without a care in the world, he is obviously feeling fine within himself today.

Jo is doing better and she is eating a little for herself for the first time in 48 hours. She has also poo'd. There are some reasonable gut sounds and her abdomen is less doughy. No more seizures so far.

But now Brian has become unwell. He has gut stasis which so often accompanies one of his heavy moults. Despite daily grooming (he is a Rex so it is more a case of plucking the moult) he just seems to struggle every time :cry: He is on treatment including lots of fluids both orally and sub/cut.

Thank you for all your support, I dont know how I would cope without you :love:
Good news about Murphy, his dental must have helped him. Glad that Jo is improving and things are more positive.
Poor Brian though, I hope he can get party this quickly, he does moult in spectacular fashion.