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Bunny ER-27/1-Brian Has Survived Thanks to C + Team

Murphy's Chest Xrays confirmed our fears :cry: He has a mass :cry: To obtain more information he would need more diagnostics at a Specialist Practice. This would not be in Murphy's best interests even if it were financially possible for me. Murphy does not travel well or cope with a lot of handling. Stress causes his respiratory/heart symptoms to become much worse :cry:

Surprisingly Murphy remained very stable throughout the GA. He did have spurs on all lower molars. His last Dental was just 5.5 weeks ago :cry:

So for Murphy it will be one day at a time. He is back home and resting now. He is very much on borrowed time :cry:

Jo remains very poorly :cry:
Thats good that you have Murphy home n but I am so sorry about his results. I hope he continues to improve and goes a lot longer between his next dentals.

What is wrong with Jo, I hope she picks up soon!
Thats good that you have Murphy home n but I am so sorry about his results. I hope he continues to improve and goes a lot longer between his next dentals.

What is wrong with Jo, I hope she picks up soon!

Thank you

Jo has Gut Stasis secondary to one of her 'Absence Seizures' yesterday :cry:

She is not responding to treatment and has actually deteriorated this afternoon :cry:
Im so sorry the news wasnt good, i hope he remains happy for however long he has left, he's in the best hands with you so at least his remaining time will be full of love and care x
I am so sorry the news was not better for Stanley.

Sending both Stanley and Jo lots of vibes and thinking of you Jane. x