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Bunny Double Date- Major updates page 4.

Hi, yeah good they are interacting a lot more. Flumo has taken to following Harvey about. I gave them seperate veggie bowls tonight as they were headbutting trying to scoff the lot first!
hershey update!!

the bonding started about 5 hours ago now and early signs are all good!! :D

This was taken about fifteen mins in....


Sooz - have changed Hershey's name to Poppet, hope you don't mind! :oops:

It's a name my Dad used to call me when i was little and i like Poppy so can be used for nick-name!!

There's been lots of Dude grooming and washing Poppet but non of the other way. LOTS of humping too!!
She's eaten some veg too.

The only problem is he won't let her out of the litter tray, coz every time she moves he goes to hump!!

Dude is very much in love and goes all floppy when he's near her!!

He's thumping a bit but *touch wood* no fur pulling or aggression from either... so far...