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Bunny bonding

They are lovely. The set up looks great. What make is that fabulous hutch? I am looking at new accommodation atm.
They are lovely. The set up looks great. What make is that fabulous hutch? I am looking at new accommodation atm.

I designed it myself and got a local shed company to make it for me. When I first approached them they were unsure as they didn't make 'rabbit hutches' but once I told them the kind of thing I wanted, it basically a smaller version of one of their dog kennels with a chicken coop door. They were more than happy to make it, and at a reasonable price. Maybe you could approach a bespoke shed company near you?
I designed it myself and got a local shed company to make it for me. When I first approached them they were unsure as they didn't make 'rabbit hutches' but once I told them the kind of thing I wanted, it basically a smaller version of one of their dog kennels with a chicken coop door. They were more than happy to make it, and at a reasonable price. Maybe you could approach a bespoke shed company near you?

Good idea. I may be getting another shed... not sure yet. Will look round for local companies.
Good idea. I may be getting another shed... not sure yet. Will look round for local companies.

as you can probably tell from the photo we only have a small garden, so that's why i had to be creative, to make the 60sq ft the rescue required. The run also had to be dig proof which is why it is on the slabs, which means they can have 24/7 access to it now which is nice :)