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Bunny Basics/T

Id like to also introduce BBT...but delivery does push the price up....I also find SS hard to find...usally really small bags in funny flavours...so I am on Excel......my vets recommend this...though I do wonder - if you vets is sponsored by a particular brand - then would they recommend it regardless? Or do you think they would tell you which is best?

Im not sure of they would order BBT for me if they were sponsored by someone else....mind they abot far for me to just go to pick up food....perhaps I will ask a local feed place to start stocking it...I rec. them to stock megazorb - which i dont even use as ine eat it:oops: and the stock it now!:)
Id like to also introduce BBT...but delivery does push the price up....I also find SS hard to find...usally really small bags in funny flavours...so I am on Excel......my vets recommend this...though I do wonder - if you vets is sponsored by a particular brand - then would they recommend it regardless? Or do you think they would tell you which is best?

Im not sure of they would order BBT for me if they were sponsored by someone else....mind they abot far for me to just go to pick up food....perhaps I will ask a local feed place to start stocking it...I rec. them to stock megazorb - which i dont even use as ine eat it:oops: and the stock it now!:)

If you buy BBT from the hay experts I believe it's something like 44p for 1st class postage for the smaller bag, not bad :)