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bun all alone! - as promised photos

Could be my garden too. mine have just woodshavings in there living area but there bedrooms are stuffed with hay, i also remove the food bowls every morning and chuck them in the kitchen sink before i go to work. I have 5 rabbits, 2 pairs and one who lives on his own because he is much happier alone. The rabbit in the picture has 2 bottles and you cant see from the picture whether he has bedding or not. So does this mean my poor neglected buns will end up on a thread like this in the future?!?!?
I dont think it looks neglected from the pic at all. Big enough hutch, water, possiably got hay, it has a run, and there is a pet carrier - which to me means that it gets out of its hutch. Maybe they use the pet carrer to put the bunny in the run everyday.

My hutch and run look a lot worse then that!
It looks like Thistle Hall from P@H which is actually a good size. Isn't that also the RWA approved one??

Yes Thistle Hall is RWA approved, I have two of them, with runs attached so buns can get to the grass when I'm at work but they also have lots of time when I'm at home when they free run.
Meggie Moo is in a smaller hutch than that, she came in it as her last owner just wanted to get rid of her and I took her! Is someone going to report me?? :shock:
i think you are being unkind judging the rabbits owners like that. the rabbit has a secure , adequately sized hutch, water, a secure run and a carrier. the hutch although smallish would not have been cheap. they are not the only people in the world to have a single bunny and it is no crime. i feel that posting those pictures is a gross invasion of their privacy. sorry im not meaning to be snotty but sometimes i feel people on here are a little bit OTT.
on the other hand though i do of course hope the bunny is okay and looked after.:( ......................;)
You know, it's really nice to see people on here who're realistic about genuinely worrying conditions. As I said before, I really commend everyone who's enthusiastic about rescue and welfare, but it really comes down to where to draw the line. Opinions on this thread are not black and white - this isn't a case of obvious neglect or cruelty, and you have to bear two things in mind: first, you don't know any of the circumstances as to why the bun's in that particular hutch with that particular run and alone (illness, recovery, recent bereavement, neutering, fostering, daytime only etc); and second, just because you (plural) think the hutch is too small or whatever, doesn't necessarily make it so. The fact they've spent money on a carry case should suggest they're actually being responsible - if it's used to take the bun to the vet, it's actually going to the vet, which is more care than a lot of owners give.

For all we know, this bun may come into the house in the evenings and have more exercise and freedom than most buns who stay in the garden but have a larger run and a larger hutch.

Honestly, if you saw the 'observation' hutch Saxon's in at the moment before the neuter and until she's bonded with Tank you'd definitely think I'm a cruel owner - it's a Nero 4 from P@H. She definitely can't stand up in it. But then you wouldn't necessarily be seeing that she only goes in there for an hour or so at a time to have a drink and chill out. At night she's in a 6' x 3.5' hutch in the conservatory and during the day I alternate Tank being out with Saxon being out. When Tank's in his hutch, Saxon's door is left open and she quite often goes back in there for a flop down - bearing in mind we've made tons of bunny-proof hiding/chill-out places around the room, I can only assume she quite likes her daytime abode :D

Tank was all alone until we rescued Saxon, and he still hasn't been able to be bonded with her. We're probably looking at December/January at the earliest, which'll mean Tank's had 5-6 months without being able to snuggle up with another bun. Am I neglecting him?

I'm not entirely sure how I'd react if someone tried to lecture me on proper care for my pets. Assuming I wasn't obviously neglecting or abusing my pets, and someone was lecturing simply because they disagreed with the way I've done something, I'd hope they'd have the plums to tell me to my face and perhaps listen to my reasons. Even then, I'm so passionate about being a good pet owner, I'd still be p*ssed off someone was even daring to suggest I was a bad owner and forcing me to justify myself unnecessarily.

I guess you have to ask yourself the following: from what you've seen, is this situation bad enough to report to the RSPCA?
I agree with what others have said. It's easy to get carried away on here and I think that rabbit set up looks pretty good to be honest. Let's not turn rabbit welfare in to a witch hunt.
I agree, conclusions shouldn't be jumped to.

I've also seen much, much worse including the hutch that Simba came to me in. They may well have used the run when the rabbit was small or for a guinea pig. That's the thing, we don't know the set up/situation.

They may indeed let the rabbit free range in the garden when they are there to supervise.
i personally think that this bun isn't too badly cared for. It could be an awful lot worse!! The bun has a roof over its head, two water bottles, and a carrier to be transported to the vets etc. And it looks like the garden gets used lots so it has company.

The circumstances of the bun and its family should be considered. Maybe you could speak to the owers and make your buns and their bun a talking point.

Things may not be all they seem.
There dosent seem to be a problem there as far as i can see. I dont recomend free running in the garden as i have foxes come in mine even when im out there its far to risky. I was cleaning out in one of my sheds today with rabbits in the runs and a fox came in the garden if they were free range they would be dead. There is a lot of condemation on this web site without proof. If you put leaflets through my door youd get what for. The cage is fine and at a push the run is better than no run you dont know any thing about the rabbit apart from a quick look. By the way the rabbit is not a himalayen it looks lik a blue butterfly colour, and maybe a lop by the look of it. The photos only being from your phone its hard to tell. Keep your eyes peeled for a proper case of cruelty please. val
My buns arent free range and me personally think thats ok. I would not let them free range due to garden not fully safe and i have dogs and a cat.

These people could be genuine, and im noticed you have commented on the bun being 'alone' a couple of times, your buns on his own is he not? and Pringle was for for two years. x
Oh and im not picking but your saying the bun has 'no food bowl' when my buns arent using them i bring them in the house, wash them then store them ready for their next meal :?