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Thank you! I hope so too. Hopefully that has something to do with her not enjoying garden time. I can't wait to see her jumping around all happy. :love:

She may not like the heat in the garden if she has an air conditioned room (the spoilt little thing :lol: ).

She is adorable :love:
She is gorgeous!!! :love::love::love:
Nice to see more people from around the globe joining RU too. :wave:
She is gorgeous!!! :love::love::love:
Nice to see more people from around the globe joining RU too. :wave:

Thank you! I've always wanted to join a friendly rabbit forum (I wasn't so great with researching 7 years ago:roll:) & I'm loving it here.

she is gorgeous :love: I think she maybe a lionlop though as she has a very fluffy mane :love::love::love::love:

I was told she's a Holland lop and I believe she is-lionlop are hairier around the face and have differently shaped ears-but both are so cute in their own unique way. :love:
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