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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

    We are very grateful to members who take time to answer other members questions, but please do be clear in your replies that you are sharing personal experience and not giving instructions on what must be done.

    Urgent Medical Advice: If you need, or think you might need, urgent medical advice you should contact a vet. If it is out of working hours phone your vet's normal number and there should be an answer phone message with instructions on what to do.

Bridget's vet trip


Wise Old Thumper
Just got back from the vets and Bridget has been given the all clear!! :D Am soooo relieved!!! He cleaned the genital area and used electric trimmers to shave away the fur round all of that area and accidently nicked her :cry: thankfully only very minor and didn't bleed thank god but I really felt for her...not pleasant!! The area is slightly sore but will clear up very soon using the spray they have given me. No infections!! :D What I thought was swelling was just a normal bunny body part that was badly stained with wee.

I have to say tho...my back is killing me....I now I know why...they weighed Bridget and she is a stone exactly!!! :shock: I have to get her to lose two pounds and then they will consider having her speyed. :)
Brilliant news Romy, you can stop panicking!! You are doing a brilliant job with her, and clearly from the new piccies she loves you very much already!! (or should I say you foot!) :lol:
That rabbit really is Bridget Jones, right down to trying to loose weight :lol:

Glad she's ok

The spray they gave me is made by a company called Vet Remedy and is called Pet Freshner Extra Strength Formula...

I am so relieved but am going to sit myself down and make myself repeat "I must not fuss and worry, I must not fuss and worry"... :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
aaaawwww dont worry Romy.. im just as bad. :roll: :lol: We wouldnt be good mummys if we didnt worry eh :wink:
Toby said:
Is Bridget a French Lop? She looks kinda large in size.

:lol: :lol: Yes Bridget is a french lop - she is two years old and a wee bit on the heavy side. Darcy looks so tiny compared to her!! xx :)
Maaike_Butter said:
Awww, good to hear Romy!

I'm like you are. Every little sneeze and I run off to the vet...lol
Me too Maaike !! :D But no one knows your bun like you and no one else will spot the signs they are not right.

I took Ben to the vet this afternoon (much to my other halves amusement - he said I was fussing), all because he didn't eat his breakfast the second it hit the deck this morning. I know that that is definitely not normal !! Well, turns out I was right, the vet thinks he had a fright over night sometime and that had made him not want to eat.

1 gut stimulation injection later and he's just finished polishing off his entire bowl of pellets, half the hay in his hay rack and a good chunk of my parsley plant. My brother thinks they injected him with marujana and that he had the munchies !!! :shock: :lol:

But just goes to prove that we know when summat is up :)
Hey Romy, have just spotted Bridget on your pictures, made me want to cry when I see her so happy and settled. Thank you for caring for her so much, she so deserves the best and I think she has got it!!

She is an absolute beauty! My husband went to collect her and he wanted us to keep her but I know Romy can give her all the emotional love as well as everything else!!! Alice
Ooooh Alice, thank you that is such a lovely thing to say xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Bridget is coming on more and more. She sends lots of love and licks to you!!! I offended her a little tonight when I tried to give her a little help with some poopies on her back end. Not impressed....she then spent about five minutes avidly grooming herself - her tummy sides. She even tried to clean her ears...it was so cute!! She couldn't quite balance though so it took a few trys!!! Its so nice to see her getting more love for herself to groom. :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
omg she really does weigh a stone, i thought that was a joke, wow! shouldn't be long before you can get her spayed then :D
Wow what a heavyweight - 1 x stone - heck Romy - you'll be losing weight too Gal lifting her etc - :lol: :lol: :lol: - Better than the Gym eh!!

Glad to hear your girl is o.k - she's certainly landed on her paws with such a loving mum to care for her.
CRIKEY !! A 1 stone bunny ! You must be tired out after lifting a bunny pudding like that Romy ! She is incredibly cute though and sounds like she is having a lovely time with you. I'm sure she'll shift the weight in no time with all the lovely veggies you feed your buns :D.
She is throwing a little strop at the mo, bless her. I have her on a diet of fresh hay and water. I've given her box of lovely fresh timothy hay in hopes to lose some weight. Also I noticed she has still been doing a lot squishy poos so I'm removing veggies and then slowly reintroduce them just in case that is what is making her tum tum upset.

Here she is...Please excuse her dirty back paws, those stains are proving very stubborn to get out so prob a few more sessions needed before totally out!! I am a good mummy honest!! :oops:
