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Brian, my little Angel.

Im sorry, Brian was such a handsome fella - I can imagine he has left a huge hole in your heart - my heart melts just looking at his pictures. What an adorable , kind and fun looking bun..

Binky free with all your friends at the bridge Brian - Im so sorry you couldnt get better x
I'm so sorry. That is a lovely tribute to a very special bunny. You also have some lovely photos that show his character.
I can't thank everyone enough for their kind words, it's still hard.

I just need Mimah to be happy, today I have been sorting out a potential husbun for her, but I can't help but feel I'm betraying Brian, I still can't help but feel down about it. It's quite pathetic, I go sit with him where he's buried every day, when I wake and before night fall.

Gone but never forgotten.

My little man, my little Brian :cry::cry::love::love:






I found these whilst browsing my posts, and now I can't stop the tears streaming downing my face, these are the moments I'll cherish forever.

I remember some of those threads :love::love:

It is going to hurt but in time you will be able to look at those threads and smile..

Your not pathetic at all - you are grieving. Brian was part of you and your family, its a huge loss to you.

Just get a wifey when you feel ready, you will not be betraying Brian at all - Im sure he would love Mimah to be happy :love:

Big Hugs xx
I've just looked at all the photos and now am in tears - I am so sorry you lost Brian :cry::cry::cry: Some of those photos made me laugh as well though :) He looked such a little character! Take care of yourself, big hugs to you and Mimah xxx

Binky free Brian, watch over your Mummy and Mimah xxx
Thanks guys,

Had another hard morning, gave mah buns carrots with the green tops and the bunny that loved these the most as they're only a special treat was Bri. I thought he needed one too so :cry: I put one ontop of where he's buried. :cry:


That actually just made me cry :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

I bet brian has all the carrots with tops on that he wants right now - and now he has an extra special one left by you, that is such a nice little spot Brian is buried in - very beautiful - just like him!!

Happy nomming Brian xx
Thank you all. I miss him everyday. It really is unfair, life is just too cruel. It was too soon. :cry::cry: xx

Christmas time was when he used to try get in the tin of quality street to steal chocolates and then run behind the tv so I couldn't get to him. :cry:
Sorry you're feeling sad. You are right, life is too cruel.

Hope you're having fun at the bridge Brian, watch over your Mummy xx
I found Brian's christmas stocking..I'm in tears, he should be here. :cry::cry:

*hugs* i'm so sorry. i know how you feel, we lost pheobe (guinea pig) in september and she always had special treats at christmas (they all do, but she had to have hers seperate or the others would steal it as she was a day dreamer!). i'm dreading christmas without her, though since last christmas we've got isabelle, lucy and sadie, but no one would ever replace our special pheobe. i think your brian and my pheobe are up there playing together