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Bran , my beautiful old bunster


Wise Old Thumper
My dear old boy Bran passed away this evening. Some of you may know he was about 12 years old and had been ill for a while but he kept fighting.
He lived longer than both I, or the vet, thought he would and was enjoying his veggies up until a couple of hours before he died.
A wonderful, gentle rabbit that I will greatly miss.

with Thistle last year


and being fed a couple of days ago

I'm so sorry to hear your sad news. He did live a very long, happy life and will be waiting for you at the bridge.

Binky free Bran, rest in peace.


Farewell for now Bran. You will find lots of Bunny friends at The Bridge. Jill, sending you hugs. Bran will keep all the love you gave him safely tucked away in his little heart. Binky Free Bran. Janex

A Bridge Called Love
It takes us back to brighter years,
to happier sunlit days
and to precious moments
that will be with us always.
And these fond recollections
are treasured in our heart
to keep us always close to the Bunnies
from whom we had to part.

There is a bridge of memories
from earth to lush pastures above...
It keeps our dear Buns near us

It's the bridge that we call love.
I`m so sorry you`ve lost your beautiful Bran, he sure was a handsome boy.
But you gave him the best in life and made sure he was happy until the end.
I`m sure he`s now returned to his former glory and having fun at the bridge with all our fellow bunsters that have passed over....................

Binky free handsome boy and sending big hugs to your mummy...........
Oh Jill, he is such a handsome boy, I am so sorry. :cry: There is some consolation in him having such a long life and being happy with you but it doesn't make you any the less sad to lose him. Binky free little man...
Dear old Bran. He looked to have been a very happy bunster. I hope he is having fun at the bridge.
Nicola x
Binky free Bran. 12 years is a wonderfully long life and he must have had a happy one with you.
Auntie Jill, please don't worry about Bran :) he will be fine here with me and the rest of the buns :) I will show him were the best carrot tops are and the best places are to lay in the sun :)

Love and snuggles to you :)