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Both my rabbits have gone missing :( UPDATE both found dead

Oh no :cry: I agree with looking in as many gardens as you can yourself, some people might not realise the tiny gaps they can get into. Try Animal Search UK and the National Missing Pet Register. But they can't have got far, so speaking to your immediate neighbours is your best bet. I really hope you find them, good luck xx

I have registered them to the animal search website but for some reason the national pet register won't accept my log in and im really getting frustrated with it :(

I have shared them on facebook, really hope they can be found xxx

Thank you so much. If anyone has Fat Fluffs rescue on their FB or SOAD from Underhill rabbit rescue they have also shared Leo and Missy's photo, please feel free to share it also. xx
No problem, will see if my friend at the rescue has heard of them at all, she has lots of contacts but is not on here or fb xx
Oh no... I hoped they would have come home...

Vibes for a safe return

Fee xx
Would a fox be able to take two? I'm hoping they got out and are hiding somewhere together. I'm really hoping for a happy ending, you must be devastated.
Oh my goodness thank you everyone who has commented here it really means a lot.

Still no news, literally none of my neighbours have seen them. I went to my grandparents for dinner and came back and they have literally dissapeared.

I am kicking myself for leaving them free ranging, and I've seen some of the previous comments and I take them on board. I thought it was secure. No signs of digging out, all fence panels are held in place by those concrete things, back gate is meshed up and blocked off by a gate before it. No signs of a fox taking them either.

My babies are not the type to shy away, they are so confident I would expect them to be happily munching on someones grass half way down the street and for someone to see them because they're not exactly small.

My mom thinks someone jumped the fence as the top part of it has broken off and I never noticed that before she pointed it out so it's possible someone took them but then it must be out of spite and I can't think why someone would do that.

I am hoping they have just followed each other out (how I have no clue) and are have literally cried all of yesterday and this morning. I've left food out, left the shed door open too just in case.

I just want my babies back :'(

oh no it might be someone stole them, it's easter so someone would want a free rabbit. Check the free ads around in case someone had got them and want to sell them. Could the police be informed? Just so it's noted? Keep putting fliers up around schools too with their photos, maybe whoever has them might see it.
Don't give up hope: one of mine got out many years ago and I eventually got him back. He kept hiding under neighbours' cars and finally a friend's son came round with one of those huge powerful lights and we managed to stop him in his tracks with that and re-capture him. Hope you are having some help in trying to find them.
I'm so sorry and I'm praying for their safe return, I really hope they're both together.

I know I'm probably paranoid but this is the kind of thing that reinforces my fears about leaving buns outside, I follow Moo around like a nervous wreck when he's outside for playtime :shock:
Have you contacted the Police? If someone has found them they may not know about local rescues, and so it seems most likely to me they would take them to the Police. I know the Police then hold them for 24hrs in case someone turns up, and if not, they usually take them to the nearest RSPCA. I so hope you haven't tried the Police yet and this is what has happened, and you get them back today.
I'm so so sorry to hear this, what an awful time for you. Keeping everything crossed for some good news for you.
oh no it might be someone stole them, it's easter so someone would want a free rabbit. Check the free ads around in case someone had got them and want to sell them. Could the police be informed? Just so it's noted? Keep putting fliers up around schools too with their photos, maybe whoever has them might see it.

Have you contacted the Police? If someone has found them they may not know about local rescues, and so it seems most likely to me they would take them to the Police. I know the Police then hold them for 24hrs in case someone turns up, and if not, they usually take them to the nearest RSPCA. I so hope you haven't tried the Police yet and this is what has happened, and you get them back today.

I did call the police as I and many others feel it is a possibilty they have been stolen but they basically just laughed at me and told me to try the council which I did and they said they would log it but they 'only deal with cats and dogs'. Made me feel like no one cares about rabbits.

I have contacted the RSPCA and all the rescues and vets near myself also. I am waiting to contact my local PDSA but the line is constantly busy so I have emailed them

Thanks everyone x
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I'm so sorry you have no news of them as yet, really hope they are found safe.

Also sorry that some responses haven't been very sympathetic. :( Hugs. xx
Um have you knocked on neighbours doors, checked right under all bushes near your house and garden. I really hope you find them. My friends rabbit went missing. It was gone for a week then suddenly turned up in their garden.
I know you've done posters, which I assume you've put on local lamp-posts etc, but have you put notes through doors of houses in your street and surrounding streets, been round knocking on doors - they could easily be in someone's garden a little way away.
Sounds like either an animal or a person has taken them. I'm sorry this has happened. I do hope you find them and never leave them free ranging unattended again.
I am so sorry your rabbits have disappeared. I am always more wary at Easter in case any kids try to take a rabbit, it must be horrible for you. I lost a budgie years ago and went crazy, we got him back luckily as he flew into someone's conservatory. I hope you get them back.