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Both my rabbits have gone missing :( UPDATE both found dead

Are you sure they went themselves, is there any sign of forced entry or that they may have been taken??
Oh god what an awful thing to have happen, you must be frantic with worry. I really would check under parked cars close to you, as when my rabbit got out that was where he went. I wasted loads of time going to the park, fields etc, but now it makes perfect sense that he got scared and went and hid somewhere darkish under a car. Anyway, really don't want to make you feel worse but because of the time spent on these other places, when all the time he was 3 doors now from me, the lady then went shopping, and I am sure you can work out for yourself what happened. I've never had a rabbit outdoors since. I really would check under cars. Please let us know when you find him, because I'm really worried about them now as well.
Oh that's awful :( I really hope you find them safe and well soon!

Can't really add anything just keep in mind that they can squeeze themselves into the smallest spaces when searching
I really hope they turn up but sorry to be negative but were they free ranging un supervised?
If so predators could have taken them, foxes don't always leave signs behind. I hope that isn't the case and they are found safe and well

My bunnies free range unsupervised every day. I only let them out when we are home but I don't sit with them outside. I check on them every half hour or so but I can't sit out with them.

In my opinion the risks of anything happening are worth it to see the benefits to their health and well being of free ranging every day.
Unfortunately, it doesn't take long for a fox to jump in a garden. That's how I lost Steffi, as I only popped indoors for half hour :( and that was during the day and the fox left her body on the lawn. I really hope you find your buns.
Unfortunately, it doesn't take long for a fox to jump in a garden. That's how I lost Steffi, as I only popped indoors for half hour :( and that was during the day and the fox left her body on the lawn. I really hope you find your buns.

I agree - I would never leave my bunnies free ranging unsupervised for a second, I don't even take my eyes off them whilst they are out. I just make sure they have large runs and obviously try and let them out as much as possible to free range.
Oh no! I'm so sorry. Hope they turn up soon. Don't give up.

Sending good vibes. (((HUGS))) xxx
Any news? Thinking of you, hope you find them. Harry escaped once I'd forgotten to do the side gate of his run up, the gardener found him. Hopefully a neighbour has found your two. xx
Have u searched the garden for an escape route? If they got out there will be a hole somewhere. If you can't find anything then either a fox has come over the fence and taken them, or someone has broken into your garden and stolen then.

How big is the window of time they could have disappeared in?